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Would intelligent bags be popular ? The leather goods factory in Guangzhou,further bag the Guang zhou OEM bags factory wants to share with you why Japanese primary school bags are so popular .

Abstract: Technology has brought great convenience and higher life enjoyment to people, so smart bags are the market needs!If you are still asking if smart bags would be popular ,China handbags manufacturer---further bag wants to ask you to reflect on this question:why Japanese school bags with high higher price than Iphone 7 could sell so well ?


A large part of the world's luggage and bags are produced by Guang zhou bags factory,including many bags brand has set their eye on Guang zhou handbags OEM factory .Now a big market is for smart bags .


Many bags factory in do not know that primary school bags in Japan cost about 5,000 yuan. Here is a list of reasons .

1. Bags with 6 years of warranty

2. Pure handmade and warranty

3. Have a certain impact buffer function

4. Installed GPS

5. With floating on water etc functions .

Seeing this ,would Guang zhou handbags suppliers feel a bit strange ? This is still a school bag ? It is the bag fighter in bags .


So now the market potential of smart bags is bright .Do not ask childish questions if smart bags would be popular .Price war is not the main criteria now, the performance of the bag is the most important!


When we feel more and more difficult to survive, think about why so expensive Japanese primary school bag could sell so well .


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