Highlighted in Outdoor Trails Network檚 Concealed Carry Guide"/>
Outdoor Trails Network’s podcast The Revolution with Jim & Trav is a comprehensive resource for all things concerning everyday carry, and the duo’s most recent concealed carry guide is no exception. The guide covers everything from the value of incorporating physical self-defense tactics into your training to the right caliber of firearm to the different ways to safely position your firearm while it’s concealed. Sticky Holsters was prominently featured as a key factor in safe and effective concealed carry.
Sticky Holsters Operations and Sales Manager Eric Rice shared the benefits of Sticky Holsters over traditional holsters. The average holster is bulky and heavy, which leads many gunowners to leave their firearms at home. But if they don’t carry at all times, they won’t have their guns when they need them. Sticky Holsters have no loops and clips, they’re lightweight, and they only require compression to stay in place. They make concealed carry comfortable and easy, which motivates gunowners to keep carrying their firearms.
The guide also shared Sticky Holsters’ wide array of everyday carry options. Aside from the primary Sticky Holster, which is available in a variety of sizes, there’s also the Anklebiter system (which brings the same seamlessness to ankle carry) and the Travel Mount, a carry pouch that can be used on any hard surface where you can dock your firearm (e.g. a truck console, a nightstand, etc.).
Concealed carry is the preferred self-defense method of millions of Americans, and Sticky Holsters is proud to make safety comfortable and accessible for gunowners nationwide.
Shop our full catalog of holsters and related products to find the Sticky Holster that’s right for you.